Mission Statement

The Heritage Palms Charitable Organization, Inc is a 501 (c)(3) tax exempt organization that receives and distributes contributions to meet the needs of Heritage Palms employees.

Meet the Board

Board Documents

To email a Board member, click on the name.

Questions/Changes to the website, please email Lou


Your donations can be sent to:

Heritage Palms Charitable Organization

10420 Washingtonia Palm Way

Ft Myers, FL 33966

Or you can call 330-207-8363 and we will make arrangements for pickups.

Since we are a 501(c) (3) charity, your contributions are tax deductible.

All donations of $250 or more will be acknowledged by email in accordance with IRS charitable giving regulations.


  • $2,885 - In memory of Marcy Broden
  • $50 - In honor of Andrea McCarraher
  • $200 - In honor of the Divot Divas Fairway Swingers
  • $625 - In honor of Gary Rodgers 70th Birthday
  • $200 - In honor of Don and Ann Mieczkowski
  • $250 - In honor of the Damiano Family
  • $100 - In memory of Don Poulter
  • - in memory of James Wright

$4,310 Total Tributes

HPCO Between the Palms News Stories

2025 Fundraisers

Rounded Square
Starburts Icon

Dinner Dance January

Starburst shape

Golf Benefit


April 12th

2024 Golf Outing

Your event donations for next year can be sent to:

The Heritage Palms Charitable Organization Inc

10420 Washingtonia Palm Way

Ft Myers, FL 33966

or call 330-207-8363 and we will make arrangements for pickups. Since we are a 501(c) (3) charity, your contributions are tax deductible.

Click here for 2023

Golf Outing Results

and here for 2023 photos

2023 Golf Outing Results

HPCO Golf Outing Raises $20K for Its Mission

After months of planning and effort by dedicated committee members and volunteers, the first Heritage Palms Charitable Organization Inc. (HPCO) Golf Outing was a huge success, raising over $20,000. The mission of HPCO is to help HPGCC employees with unusual, unexpected expenses in times of need. The funds from this very successful and well supported fundraiser will enable HPCO to help employees in the months to come.

HPCO Vice President Allan Potechin said after the results were tallied: “The generous hearts of the HP community have provided a great benefit to our employee-based charity. After distributing almost $100,000 since our inception a year ago, we are rebuilding our coffers in anticipation of some critical need for any of our 200+ employees. A very hearty thanks to Traci, Bob, Larry and all the volunteers and staff that made the outing a great success.”

Following is a summary of the Sunday, April 23rd Golf Outing:

  • 4 Helicopter ball drop winners at $500 each:

Paul Tilley (3); Stuart & Andrienne Peetoom (1)

  • 1 Golf Cart winner

Brent & Peggy Scobie

  • 1 Major Sponsor for Breakfast & Lunch

Dave Brennan- Dominion Eagle Advisor Group

  • 2 Sponsors for “Hole in One” - Damon Brist Farmers Insurance and Anthony Plevniak

Unfortunately, no one won the $10,000.00 hole in one prize

  • 108 golfers participated in the event

  • 8 Committee Members:

Allan Potechin, Andi Stern, Anthony Plevniak, Barbara Gregg, Bob O'Brien, Jon Waller, Lou Bottitta, Miriam Shook

  • 11 Volunteers:

Claire O’Regan, April Kispal, Arthur Bompane, Annie Conover, Carol Pobesek, Eileen Bainter, Karen Suto, Linda Cappella, Mary Stippich, Sharon Patalino, Sue Lux

2023 HPTA/HPPA "Play It Forward" Fundraiser

Nets $9,500 for HPCO